Enter shipment

When entering a shipment, the sender can select the starting location and the destination. The driver is obliged to pick up the shipment from the starting location and transport it to the specified destination. The sender makes sure that someone will pick up the shipment at the destination. The price of the shipment is calculated based on the distance, size and weight. When registering a shipment it is important that a time frame is given in which the driver can pick up the shipment. A payment method must be entered in order to register a shipment. When entering the shipment, no amount will be charged.

Search trip

Instead of entering a shipment, the sender can also search for previously entered trips and assign his shipment to a trip. For a trip that has already been recorded, the driver has indicated the distance he will cover. He would therefore be prepared to take shipments for exactly this route. Since the sender has to bring the shipment past the starting point and make sure that a receiver is waiting at the destination to receive the shipment, this method of sending is the cheaper one. Picking up shipments is 15% cheaper than recording a shipment. A payment method must be entered so that a shipment can be assigned to a trip. However, you will not be charged when assigning the shipment.

Open shipment

An open shipment is a shipment that has been entered and for which there is no driver yet. This is the first state of a entered shipment. If a driver becomes aware of the shipment and decides to transport it, he can assign the shipment to himself using the driver function in the app. In this state the shipment can still be cancelled by the sender. If no driver is found within the defined time frame, the shipment will run. The sender has the possibility to extend the program during the last 45 minutes of the time frame. Expired shipments cannot be reactivated. The sender has to register them again. As soon as a driver picks up the shipment, the station is notified and the shipment changes to the "assigned shipment" state.

Assigned shipment

An "assigned shipment" is the second state of a entered shipment or the first state if the shipment has been assigned to an existing trip. This state describes that a driver has been found but the shipment has not yet been handed over to the driver. If the sender physically hands over the shipment to the driver, the sender must confirm this in his app. From the moment of confirmation, the sender will be charged the amount for the shipment. When the shipment has been handed over, the driver is informed in his app and the shipment changes the status to "shipment is transported". As long as the shipment is in the state "assigned shipment", it can be cancelled by the driver or the sender.

Shipment is transported

While the shipment is being transported, the sender can track his package via app. The tracking is not in real time, but with a slight delay of a few minutes. This function is only used to let the sender know approximately when the shipment will arrive and to inform the recipient in time. This status thus indicates that the shipment has been handed over and is on its way. It can no longer be cancelled. As soon as the shipment has been successfully transported, the driver closes it in the app and the sender is notified.

Completed shipment

Completed shipments are shipments already transported. This is the successful final stage of a shipment and therefore the last state.

    Next possible state
  • -

Canceled/expired shipment

Entered shipments can be cancelled as long as they have not been handed over to the driver and invoiced. Expired shipments are shipments which have not been assigned to a driver within the defined time frame. In both cases the shipment has reached its final status. This status cannot be changed. If the shipment is to be transported anyway, the sender must enter a new shipment with a new time frame.

    Next possible state
  • -

Planned trip

Planned trips are trips that have been planned for the future. For a planned trip, the driver specifies on which day, at what time, and from where to where. Within this trip, the driver can occasionally interrupt shipments (remove the shipment from the trip) if he does not want to transport it. Reasons for this can be found here. The driver can also interrupt the entire trip. As a result, all shipments assigned to this trip will be cancelled. A trip can only be cancelled if none of the shipments are in progress (the sender has not yet physically handed the shipment over to the driver). As soon as the driver starts the planned trip and sets off, he must confirm this in the app by clicking on "Start". This start ensures that the trip can no longer be found in the search and therefore no further shipments can be assigned. If the driver starts but does not indicate this in the app, other senders can still find the trip and assign shows to this trip. Shipments within this trip are occasionally marked as completed, provided that the shipments have been handed over to the corresponding recipients. A planned trip is completed when the start time has arrived and the trip does not contain any shipments.

    States of a planned trip
  • Grey: The trip has not yet started
  • Yellow: The trip has begun
  • Green: The trip has been completed and contains successfully transported shipments (even if some of them were already aborted before the trip)
  • Red: The trip has expired or was cancelled
Note: The remuneration for the transport of the shipments will be ordered the following Monday by bank transfer. Remunerations for trips that are not completed by 23:59 on Sunday evening will only be paid the following Monday, i.e. one week later.

Unplanned trip

Unplanned trips are automatically created when a driver finds a shipment and decides to transport it. All other shipments found by the driver will be assigned to the same unplanned trip if it is not completed or cancelled. An unplanned trip has no explicit start and destination, as the shipments define the start and destination. Only when an unplanned trip is completed or canceled will a new unplanned trip be created when the driver decides to transport a new shipment.

    States of an unplanned trip
  • Grey: The trip contains only assigned shipments
  • Yellow: The trip includes at least one shipment, which is being transported
  • Green: The trip is completed and includes at least one successfully completed shipment (These trips are paid out the following Monday)
  • Red: The trip only includes cancelled shipments
Note: The remuneration for the transport of the shipments will be ordered the following Monday by bank transfer. Remunerations for trips that are not completed by 23:59 on Sunday evening will only be paid the following Monday, i.e. one week later.